From $1.00

Product Code: T059

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These Brazilian Rose Quartz Tumble Stones display a very smooth, soft pink colour with subtle white veining. They are ideal for display and possess all the healing attributes of rose quartz. This crystal is believed to attract and encourage love in all its forms.

Each tumblestone has been tumble polished, a process that smoothes and polishes the crystal to reveal its unique colour and form. Tumble stones are a wonderful way to enjoy crystals, whether for their beauty or healing powers.

Tumble stones are perfect as healing stones, easy to carry with you or to offer as a crystal gift for those who could benefit from them. A stone not only for the esoteric enthusiast but for the crystal collector as well, these tumbled stones are an inexpensive way to develop a large and attractive collection.

Product Code:
Birth Signs:
Taurus April 21st - May 20th
Heart (Anahata or Fourth Chakra)
Stone Types:
Rose Quartz