From $1.00

Product Code: T028

In Stock Usually dispatched in 24 hours

Feel the positive power of Rhodonite with our rhodonite tumble stones. These stones display the classic rose pink of rhodonite. They are believed to encourage well-being, understanding and the strengthening of friendships.

Each tumble stone has been tumble polished, a process that smoothes and polishes the crystal to reveal its unique colour and form. Tumble stones are a wonderful way to enjoy crystals, whether for their beauty or healing powers.

Our tumblestones make an ideal healing crystal - the perfect size to hold, place on the body or carry with you. They make great gifts and we have a wide range of inexpensive tumbled stones to add to your crystal collection or bring a little natural beauty into your home.

Product Code:
Birth Signs:
Taurus April 21st - May 20th
Heart (Anahata or Fourth Chakra)
Root (Muladhar or Base Chakra)
Stone Types: