Alternative Names: Dragon's Blood

Mineral Information

Origin: Notably Tongren Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China

Mineral Species: Cinnabar

Mineral Group: Sulphides

Chemical Formula: HgS

Hardness: 2-2.5

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: Red to silver-red

Typical Appearance: Usually massive or granular. Rarely, as rhombohedral crystals, often tabular in form. Also, more rarely as prismatic crystals.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Leo

Chakra Alignment: Base and Navel

Element: None

Origin of Name & Mythology: From Arabic and Persian for "Dragon's Blood"

Additional Information

The name derives from the Middle Eastern word for 'Dragon’s Blood'. It allows us to be assertive without becoming aggressive, stimulates vitality and power, and also to have confidence in life’s plan. At its heart, cinnabar is beyond doubt mercurial, the energy flitting from one place to another, without appearing to connect with a specific energy centre or emotion. Because of its association with commerce and negotiation, plus the link of good luck and abundance with the colour red, Cinnabar can be an effective aid in improving career prospects, negotiating a better salary, or starting a new enterprise.

Health Warning

Cinnabar contains mercury. Always wash your hands after handling, do not inhale dust, and use caution when breaking. Do not lick or ingest the mineral, or heat in an unventilated environment, as it may emit toxic fumes. Mercury sulphide is, however, relatively insoluble and toxicity of the pure material is low. Be aware, however, that many samples of cinnabar, especially those that are massively formed rather than crystalline, also contain traces of native mercury, which is  highly toxic and more easily absorbed by the body.


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