Alternative Names: Green Quartz

Mineral Information

Origin: Minas Gerais, Brazil

Mineral Species: Quartz

Mineral Group: Quartz

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Hardness: 7

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: Pale green.

Typical Appearance: Rarely as individual crystals, usually crystalline masses.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: No known astrological sign

Chakra Alignment: Heart and Upper Heart

Element: Water

Origin of Name & Mythology: From the Greek πράσον, prason, meaning 'leek' and λίθος lithos meaning 'stone'. ie. literally meaning 'garlic green-coloured stone'.

Additional Information

Prasiolite is very special, and deserves to be recognised in its own right. It has a light, happy energy, which circulates throughout the body in tiny spirals, before focussing around the heart, reminding us of joyful summer days in childhood. It connects with the Heart Protector or Pericardium Meridian in Chinese medicine, which helps to open the chest and promote clear breathing. It aids relaxation in the respiratory system and intercostals, while having a gentle calming effect, making it an excellent crystal for treating asthma, hay fever, and related chest and sinus complaints. Spiritually, prasiolite promotes awareness of Christ Consciousness, the highest state of intellectual development and emotional maturity, blended with the Divine Mind.