Alternative Names:

Mineral Information

Origin: Pakistan

Mineral Species: Zircon

Mineral Group: Silicates

Chemical Formula: ZrSiO4

Hardness: 7.5

Crystal System: Tetragonal

Colour: Red to dark red

Typical Appearance: Typically as bi-pyramidal crystals.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Capricorn

Chakra Alignment: Base and Sacral

Element: None

Origin of Name & Mythology:  The current name originates in 1783, re-named by Abraham Gottlob Werner from the Arabic (previously Persian) azargun (zar meaning gold, and gun meaning coloured), referring to one of the potential colours of the mineral.

Zircon was a popular amulet in the Middle Ages, used to protect travellers in general, and to ward against plague, wounds and injuries, and lightning strike. It was said to become dull if the wearer was exposed to plague, and was believed to be so powerful that even wearing a wax impression taken from a zircon would bestow protection.  Hildegard von Bingen recommended it for clearing the eyes, as well as treating madness. Camillus Leonardus said it invigorates the heart, and disperses sorrow and imaginary suspicions. Jean de Mandeville, in Lapidaire (14th c) discussed many of the qualities previously mentioned, and stated that all colours give joy and happiness.

Additional Information

Red zircon possesses a fiery energy more aligned with the Sacral Chakra than the Root, yet the fire is not a conflagration, but a steady, gentle warmth. It enhances alertness, while at the same time allowing the user to remain calm and neutral. It clears the heart, both physically and emotionally, helping to ease sadness, and improves general heart function and the body’s physical energy levels.

In Chinese medicine, zircon aligns with the Pericardium Meridian, and is particularly helpful when used in the spring season to help eliminate stagnant liver Chi, thereby clearing anger and strengthening the ability to move forward with new projects and ideas. This meridian association means it can also be used to treat stomach complaints, chest problems and period pains, as well as calming the mind and aiding sleep. Zircon’s imperviousness to chemical and physical deterioration symbolises the strength of our core, or essence. It reminds us that, no matter how challenging life’s experiences may be, at heart we can always remain true to who we are.

Gienger suggests using zircon to become detached from materialism and experience spiritual reality. He also recommends it for overcoming loss and grief.