Mineral Information

Mineral Species: Quartz + various metals

Chemical Formula: SiO2 + various metals

Hardness: 7

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: Various according to bonded surface metal, but all iridescent

Typical Appearance: Aura Quartz is created by coating the surface of natural quartz with a layer of various metals. The coatings are extremely thin and create a beautiful iridescent effect by refracting light as it passes through the coating. An intense radiant energy emanates from the different varieties of Aura Quartz according to the different combination of metals present.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Aquarius (although in some systems it is considered an Astrological Stone for all signs)

Chakra Alignment: Crown; affects all Chakras

Element: None

Origin of Name & Mythology: From the remarkable aura surrounding specimens.

Additional Information

An intense radiant energy emanates from the different varieties of Aura Quartz according to the different combination of metals present.

In addition, the varying colours are able to highly stimulate the relevant chakra, and to a lesser degree the multi-colour iridescence exhibited by all Aura Quartz stimulates all of the chakras.

As the deposition only affects the quartz as a thin outer coating, it stimulates and enhances the outer layers of the quartz's energy field. Aura quartz is therefore used primarily to enhance and stimulate our own 'subtle bodies', the aura, or layers of energy surrounding our physical selves, while the inner crystal still holds the same core energy as untreated clear quartz.

Types of Aura Quartz

Angel Aura Quartz

Colour: Clear with opalescent / pearly iridescence

Chakra Alignment: Crown; affects all Chakras

Angel Aura integrates the individual properties of clear quartz, silver and platinum. The combination of the clear quartz with the pure Crown Chakra metals creates a strong connection with spirit.

Similar to Aqua Aura, Angel Aura fills the body with clear, white light, strengthening life force, and opens the Crown Chakra, creating a clear connection with the higher realms, particularly the angelic realm. It, too, can be used to clear the body’s energy field.

Aqua Aura Quartz

Colour: Pale aqua blue with opalescent / pearly iridescence

Chakra Alignment: Throat

Aqua Aura creates an unusual combination, making you very aware of the physical body, including any illness, imbalances and deficiencies, while at the same time being open to the spiritual. Its beautiful aqua colour sooths and clears the Throat Chakra, aiding communication with both the physical and angelic realms, and leaves the user open to channel, if that is what is desired.

Aqua Aura quartz also relaxes the respiratory system, easing breathing in asthma sufferers. Aqua aura fills the body with light, generating warmth, and a sense of being both substantial and large. Many healers use it to clear the aura, or subtle bodies.

Champagne Aura Quartz

Colour: Honey brown with subtle iridescence

Magenta Aura Quartz

Colour: Pink purple with sublte rainbow iridescence

Excellent for relieving stress and anxiety. Also powerfully healing and anti-depressant, sending healing light into the affected area. Useful in treatment of a variety of conditions, including dyslexia, autism and mental illness.

Rainbow Aura Quartz

Colour: Blue / purple with vivid rainbow iridescence

Awakens and aligns the entire chakra system and corresponding layers of the energy body. Encourages psychic development. Can be used to help block electromagnetic radiation from computers, phones, etc

Rose Aura Quartz

Colour: Pink with opalescent / pearly iridescence

Energising and tremendously uplifting. Aligns with the heart chakra and love. Tunes into the feelings of exciting new love, and encourages playfulness and a light-hearted outlook.

Ruby Aura Quartz

Colour: Red Pink with opalescent / pearly iridescence

Brings joy, vigour and love of life. Can support energy levels when depleted. With a dynamic but gentle energy, can also be used to increase the libido.

Sunset Aura Quartz

Colour: Orange Gold with vivid rainbow iridescence

Mood-lifting and instills courage and self-confidence. Useful in career progression. Can be used to treat menopausal symptoms.

Sunshine Aura Quartz

Colour: Yellow Gold with vivid rainbow iridescence

Tangerine Aura Quartz

Colour: Orange with subtle iridescence

Tanzanite Aura Quartz

Colour: Tanzanite blue with subtle iridescence

Venus Aura Quartz

Colour: Midnight blue with very subtle iridescence

Profoundly calming and confers a serene outlook. Induces deep meditation while allowing us to maintain a state of awareness, can stimulate visions and complements dream work. Can aid overcoming addiction.

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