Alternative Names: None

Mineral Information

Origin: Inyo County, California, U.S.A.

Mineral Species: Brucite

Mineral Group: Hydroxides

Chemical Formula: Mg(OH)2

Hardness: 2.5-3

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: White, light bluish, greenish, greyish

Typical Appearance: Commonly foliated massive, fibrous. Often subparallel aggregates of plates and as broad tabular crystals

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: No known astrological sign

Chakra Alignment: Depends on colour (blue - Throat and Upper Heart Chakras)

Element: Air (blue)

Origin of Name & Mythology: After Archibald Bruce (1777-1818), an early American mineralogist, who first described the species.

Additional Information

Just the sight of this bright blue variety of brucite can raise the spirits, and it can enhance state of mind by being placed in a room. It clarifies, clears and balances, but unlike many harmonising crystals, brucite is not soothing to work with, although if you persevere, it eventually brings a calm neutrality. Its energy is more like an internal scrubbing with a scouring brush, so you know you’re really clean, but the process can be somewhat uncomfortable. Brucite clears, opens and expands all the chakras, especially when held near each one. The energy is powerful with the upper chakras, especially the Throat and Crown, thereby aiding communication and “speaking one’s truth”, and is subtle when used with the lower chakras. It is useful in alleviating pain, including headaches and migraines, as well as neuralgia and joint pain. It links with the Heart Protector Meridian in Chinese Medicine.