Alternative Names: See Blue Lace Agate.

Mineral Information

Origin: South Africa

Mineral Species: Quartz

Mineral Group: Oxides

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Hardness: 7

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: Pale blue

Typical Appearance: Typically botryoidal, rounded or as layers.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Elemental birthstone of Cancer & Sagittarius

Chakra Alignment: Throat, Third Eye and Bindu Visarga

Element: Air, water

Origin of Name & Mythology: Not known

Additional Information

Blue chalcedony has a gentle, calming energy, and is associated strongly with the throat chakra and communication. Because of its gentle nature and the sensitivity of the throat area, it is the main crystal employed for the throat in chakra layouts, preferably using a small piece, in order to limit discomfort. Gienger refers to it as the “friendship stone”, as it aids constructive communication, which includes listening, as well as clear expression.

Blue chalcedony, particularly clearer, bluer examples, also facilitates higher communication with the Angelic Realm and our spirit guides. It connects with and clears the pineal gland, which governs our sleep patterns, and combined with its calm energy, is helpful in treating anxiety and sleep disorders, and can create a soothing protective cushion in our energy field, so we are not overly sensitive to outside energies. At the same time, it can help us to tune into the depths of our soul, allowing us to see our true selves. Held at the heart, it can help us connect with universal unconditional love, allowing us to feel this love for ourselves and for others.