Alternative Names: None

Mineral Information

Origin: Merelani Hills, Tanzania

Mineral Species: Enstatite

Mineral Group: Silicates

Chemical Formula: MgSiO3

Hardness: 5-6

Crystal System: Orthorhombic

Colour: Golden brown

Typical Appearance: Usually as crystalline masses, more rarely as prismatic crystals.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Aries

Chakra Alignment: Primarily Base, plus Solar Plexus and Crown (also varies according to colour); Third Eye, Throat

Element: None

Origin of Name & Mythology: From the Greek "enstates", meaning "opponent" - for its refractory nature under a blowpipe flame.

Additional Information

Golden Enstatite has similar properties to normal brown enstatite, with a lighter, sparkling, 'zingy' energy, and its main attention focussed on the Solar Plexus rather than the Sacral Chakra. Its energy is at first uplifting, then relaxing. In addition to the properties associated with dark brown enstatite, Golden Enstatite strengthens damaged tissue and scar tissue, to help prevent damage from recurring. More importantly, golden enstatite is truly a crystal of the present time, as it guides our awareness through the current evolutionary process, giving us the ability to see beyond three dimensions.