Alternative Names: None

Mineral Information

Origin: Russia, Canada

Mineral Species: Eudialyte

Mineral Group: Silicates

Chemical Formula: Na16Ca6Fe3Zr3(Si3O9)2(Si9O27)2(OH,Cl)4

Hardness: 5-6

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: Deep red

Typical Appearance: Typically as crystalline masses.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: No known astrological sign

Chakra Alignment: Heart; Throat and Base

Element: None

Origin of Name & Mythology: From the Greek for 'readily decomposable', in allusion to its easy solubility in acids.

Additional Information

Eudialyte is a lively, uplifting and energising heart stone. It opens the Heart Chakra, allowing us to receive and communicate love. It occurs with black tourmaline, which not only helps us to feel protected and to keep our feet on the ground, but the two stones work in tandem to stimulate the libido and encourage us to be less inhibited. [Reference to the variety from Quebec - this chemically complex mineral is all about the heart: it clears, opens and stimulates the heart chakra, and brings a profound sense if joy, exhilaration, and a child-like delight in life. It banishes depression, while it encourages physical energy and motivation – we almost believe we can fly. Eudialyte helps us connect with our sexuality and improves libido, when worn or held with this intention. There is generally an inclusion of agrellite in its matrix, which brings further cleansing, and alignment throughout the chakra system. Many examples also contain black inclusion, which is ferri-katophorite or aegerine (both minerals occur with eudialyte). This helps to consolidate the cleansing process, adds an element of grounding and protection, and tempers the euphoria eudialyte can produce, making it easier to work with. All three (or four) minerals together in matrix create an environment in which to work on many levels or dimensions in relative safety. Spiritually, eudialyte reminds us to love humanity and be compassionate to others, no matter how challenging we may find them, and strengthens our love of whatever we hold sacred or divine. Physically, it fortifies the skeletal system and aids bone healing. It can be helpful in the treatment of diseases of the heart (organ), but use with care, as it can be very stimulating and may increase heart rate.]