Mineral Information

Origin: Erongo, Namibia

Mineral Species: Opal

Mineral Group: Oxides

Chemical Formula: SiO2.nH2O

Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Crystal System: N/A

Colour: Colourless. Does not display opalescence (play-of-colour). Many examples fluoresce bright green under UV light.

Typical Appearance: Crystalline masses, typically with botryoidal structure.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Pisces

Chakra Alignment: Crown

Element: Water

Origin of Name & Mythology: Named from ύαλος ('glass') from its appearance, by A.G.Werner in 1794

Additional Information

As with all opals, hyalite encourages flow of energy throughout the body (although its energy is less creamy smooth and a bit more sparkly than other common opals). Also, like other opals, it allows old emotional issues (including past life issues) to come to the surface to be acknowledged and cleared. Beyond this, it also does the same with old repeating behavioural patterns as well as the energetic signature of chronic or repeating health issues.

Initially, hyalite has a positive approach and is happy to engage with you. It greets you in a friendly manner, while its energy eddies and swirls through the body without any particular focus or sense of direction, before saying, “Hmm … let’s take a closer look here.” Then the energy begins to build as it gets down to serious business and becomes more focussed while still retaining fluidity. It fills the body with light, tonifies Chi, and a brings with it a sense of presence and solidity. Only once the user is feeling stronger, more present, and better able to cope with and address old issues, does it start to bring them to the surface. While it doesn’t actually clear, it shines a light on problems, so the user is aware of them and able to do the necessary work to release the past.

Being clear brings clarity and focus, while fluorescence is symbolic of hidden gifts, knowledge, or wisdom. The added oomph (in comparison to most other opals) may be down to hyalite’s network structure.