Mineral Information

Origin: Worldwide

Mineral Species: Olivenite

Mineral Group: Arsenates

Chemical Formula: Cu2(AsO4)(OH)

Hardness: 3

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Colour: Pale to dark olive green, occasionally white to gold.

Typical Appearance: Typically as short prismatic, tabular or acicular crystals. Also as fibrous silky masses.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Not known

Chakra Alignment: Not known

Element: Not known

Origin of Name & Mythology: Named olivenerz by Abraham G. Werner in 1789 in allusion to its olive-green color. Robert Jameson changed the ending "erz" to "ite" in 1920.

Additional Information

As yet, no specific esoteric information is known. Awaits appraisal and analysis by the crystal healing community.