Mineral Information

Origin: Preseli Hills, Wales

Mineral Species: N/A - a fine-grained Dolerite.

Colour & Appearance: Grey-blue-green massive; the most sought after material exhibiting snowflake inclusions of white feldspar.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: No known astrological sign

Chakra Alignment: Throat

Element: Earth

Origin of Name & Mythology: From the type locality, Preseli, Wales.

Preseli Bluestone has a powerfully magic aura, giving focus, stability and anchoring into the Earth's energy.  It is believed that this ancient stone of dreaming forms the inner ring of Stonehenge.

Preseli Bluestone has a strong connection with the electrical impulses produced by the human body, and has a particularly strong connection with the heart. Bluestone clears the heart centre, and strengthens the electrical workings of the heart. It improves electrical communication throughout the body, which in turn serves to balance and strengthen the immune system. The electrical connection does not stop there, but helps us to link into the electromagnetic field of the Earth itself. Judy Hall and others take this further, suggesting that the stone taps into the energy pathways of our planet. This makes sense, given its surprising strength and ability to tap into the electrical pathways of the human body, and also by the way it was utilised by our forebears. It is easy to understand why our ancestors may have attributed healing powers to Preseli Bluestone.

In addition, Bluestone clears the Throat Chakra, aiding communication as well as assisting the body’s regulatory process. In Chinese medicine, it links with both the Heart and Stomach Meridians. Basalt and other similar volcanic rocks, such as dolerite, represent our potential, and Bluestone is no exception. Spiritually, Bluestone can be used to strip away the layers that have shaped our personality and belief systems through environmental factors, so we are able to remember the core of who we are, and through this, open our perceptions of the world around us. By letting go of old perceptions, we may be able to see the universe in all its multi-dimensional glory.

This stone is recommended for personal growth, but not for treatment, unless in the hands of an experienced practitioner. Extreme care should be taken with this mineral when treating clients with heart conditions, particularly those with a pacemaker, or who are prone to tachycardia (accelerated heart rate). It is surprisingly strong, and may have much more effect than expected. However, used with care and sensitivity, experienced practitioners may find it helps to balance and regulate the heart in cases of palpitations or tachycardia.

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