Mineral Information

Origin: Notably Utah, U.S.A.

Mineral Species: Variscite

Mineral Group: Phosphates

Chemical Formula: AlPO4.2H2O

Hardness: 3.5-4.5

Crystal System: Orthorhombic

Colour: Usually pale to emerald-green, bluish green.

Typical Appearance: Usually as fine-grained or cryptocrystalline masses in veins, crusts or nodules.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Secondary birthstone for Scorpio, Taurus and Gemini

Chakra Alignment: Heart & Upper Heart

Element: Water

Origin of Name & Mythology: The name is derived from Variscia, an old name for Vogtland, the German district where the mineral was first discovered. There are no traditions associated with this mineral.

Additional Information

Many people find variscite’s most common colour, green to bluish-green, very appealing and mood-lifting. The stone itself is not highly energised, but instead has an air of calm solidity and presence. It grants the user a serene, peaceful outlook and a sense of satisfaction with their life and all that is in it.

Physically, variscite can be detoxifying and balancing. Melody suggests it gives the user the courage to carry on, adding that it supports both the invalid and the carer in cases of long-term illness.