
Alternative Names: Heliotrope

Mineral Information

Origin: Notably S. Africa

Mineral Species: Quartz

Mineral Group: Silicates - tectosilicates

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Hardness: 7

Crystal System: Trigonal

Colour: Deep green with red patches or spots

Typical Appearance: Bloodstone is a dense, dark green variety of chalcedony with bright red jasper patches spread throughout the mass.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Aries, Pisces and Libra

Chakra Alignment: Root and Heart

Element: Water and Earth

Origin of Name & Mythology: So named because of the flecks of red jasper, and not to be confused with the translation of hematite (literally blood stone). The ancient name was heliotrope, from the Greek for "sun-turner", in reference to the belief that it would alter the colour of the reflected rays of the sun - an belief expanded upon by Damigueron in the 2nd century BC, in which he claims it to not only turn the sun red, but is so powerful it will provoke storms. He also claimed it to be a preserver of health and protection against deception. It is mentioned as an amulet in the Leyden Papyrus (end of the 3rd century AD), saying that the wearer will be given whatever he asks for, asuage the wrath of kings and despots, and whatever the wearer says will be believed. In the Middle Ages it was said to render the user invisible when rubbed with juice from the herb heliotrope. At this time athrough the 16th century it was widely used to staunch nosebleed, and internal and external haemorrage, usually by cooling the stone in water first. In the Christian tradition, bloodstone symbolises the blood of Christ, the legend being that drops of His blood were splashed on the stone.

Additional Information

Bloodstone is profoundly calm and tranquil, clearing and balancing on many levels, including energetic, hormonal, and emotional, before focussing its gentle energy on the heart and upper heart chakras, then earthing the energy.

Carrying, wearing, or meditating with the mineral will bring a sense of womb-like safety. It releases stress and anxiety, detoxifies, and supports the immune system, making it a good stone for treating infection and contracted illness, as well as autoimmune and imuno-deficiency diseases like ME/CFS.

Bloodstone supports and clears the filtration organs, especially the kidneys, and is still used to treat haemorrage and nosebleed. Some crystal healers are using bloodstone to support and rebuild bone marrow function in leukemia patients. Obviously, if you use it in this way, approach the client with care, and if appropriate, discuss the treatment with their doctor.