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A small individual Angel Aura Quartz crystal with many qualities and uses for the crystal healer. Angel Aura Quartz is formed from quartz, silver and platinum allowing it to work on both the spiritual and earthly levels.

Mineral Species - Quartz + Silver + Platinum
Crystal System - Trigonal
Birthstone - No specific birthstone
Chakra Alignment - Crown, affects all Chakras

Crystal Attributes:

  • Embraces the qualities of quartz, silver and platinum.
  • Creates awareness of the physical body, including any illness, imbalances and deficiencies …..
  • ….. while at the same time being open to the spiritual.
  • Soothes and clears the Throat Chakra, aiding communication with both the physical and angelic realms.
  • Relaxes the respiratory system, easing breathing in asthma sufferers.
  • Often used to clear the aura, or subtle bodies.

This crystal comes with a handy reference card describing all key mineral properties and crystal healing attributes. For more information visit our Aqua Aura Quartz Stone Type page.

Learn more about Crystal Healing.

Product Code:
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Stone Types:
Aura Quartz