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Lapis Lazuli is a truly gorgeous semi-precious stone. The polished chips in this Gem Chip Necklace are sprinkled with the gold-coloured flecks of pyrite found in high quality lapis. These catch the light for rich finish.

Lapis Lazuli is prized both for its intense colour and its meditative powers. It encourages truth and communication, causing it to be known as the stone of friendship.

The vibrant ultramarine of lapis lazuli makes this a glamorous necklace for any occasion. It is as a gift that the stone of friendship really comes to life.

Product Code:
Length: 90cm (35.4")
Birth Signs:
Sagittarius November 23rd - December 20th
Crown (Sahasrara or Seventh Chakra)
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Stone Types:
Lapis Lazuli