This Epidote crystal from Peru is a powerhouse of a crystal. Epidote shifts and reorganises thought and energy patterns throughout the body. It can be used in the treatment of dyslexia.
Mineral Species - Epidote
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Birthstone - Gemini
Chakra Alignment - Heart (Upper Heart) and Throat; All
Crystal Attributes:
- Balances, physically and energetically.
- Shifts and reorganises both thought patterns and energetic patterns throughout the body.
- Brings warmth, light and expansion to each individual Chakra, and a feeling of inner expansion in general.
- Can help to relieve tension, increase circulation and stimulate muscle tone.
- Strengthens and supports the immune and lymphatic systems, and particularly acts as an aid in balancing thyroid function.
- Stimulates brain activity, increases mental faculties and aids clarity of thought.
For more information visit our Epidote Stone Type page.
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