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Please Note: This product is a one-off piece. The picture shows the exact product you will receive.

This uncommon combination of Ruby in Kyanite has been shaped and polished into a beautiful stone that will fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The brilliant blue and deep red of this stone work in tandem to create a stunning looking piece and is a great addition to your collection.

Ruby is an intense Heart crystal, which brings joy, vigour and love of life. Some crystal healers associate it with the root chakra, and therefore libido as well as grounding and protection, and the denser, magenta-tinted stones align with the upper crown chakra in colour therapy.

Blue kyanite opens the Throat Chakra, as well as the Bindu Visarga. It is believed to open up channels of communication and allow us to express ourselves calmly. Blue kyanite is also believed to open, cleanse and active all of the chakras.

Polished Stones are a great way to collect a variety of different crystals. Their smooth finish and handy size allows you to store them easily or keep them close to you if you choose. They show off the natural colours beautifully and can be used in a variety of different ways from crystal healing to meditation. A wonderful addition for any crystal enthusiast.

Product Code:
XXXX - TV596
Birth Signs:
Cancer June 21st - July 20th
Gemini May 21st - June 20th
Pisces February 19th - March 20th
Crown (Sahasrara or Seventh Chakra)
Heart (Anahata or Fourth Chakra)
Navel (Swadisthana or Second Chakra)
Root (Muladhar or Base Chakra)
Solar Plexus (Manipura, Third Chakra)
Third Eye (Brow, Ajna or Sixth Chakra)
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Blue (More Blue Products)
Red (More Red Products)
Stone Types:
Kyanite Ruby