Mineral Information

Origin: Zimbabwe, Brazil

Mineral Species: Euclase

Mineral Group: Silicates

Chemical Formula: BeAl(SiO4)(OH)

Hardness: 7.5

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Colour: Colourless, white, pale green to deep yellowish green, greenish blue, pale blue to deep blue, pink

Typical Appearance: Usually as crystalline masses, more rarely as prismatic crystals.

Esoteric Information

Birthstone: Secondary birthstone for Virgo and Sagittarius

Chakra Alignment: Depends on colour (blue = Throat)

Element: Depends on colour (blue = Water)

Origin of Name & Mythology: Named by René Just Haüy deriving from the Greek εὖ, for 'easily', and κλάσις, for 'fracture', describing the mineral's perfect cleavage.

Additional Information

Euclase forms as a result of the decomposition of beryl (aquamarine in the case of the example), so it will come as no surprise that it shares many of aquamarine’s characteristics, albeit somewhat gentler in disposition. It lacks the cool, analytical detachment of beryl, and instead has a warm Heart connection, allowing us to approach dilemmas with loving support. Euclase is profoundly soothing, its energy passing through the body like gentle ripples on a placid lake, leaving tranquillity in its wake. It calms and relaxes the mind, relieves anxiety and overthinking, and encourages constructive communication and a more balanced approach in times of conflict and discord. Balance is restored on every level, both mentally and physically and it also realigns and regulates flow of Chi through the energy channels.

Euclase can be used to treat conditions of the throat, especially the thyroid. It strengthens the immune system, with an emphasis on the upper respiratory system, including sinuses. Melody refers to it as the “stone of happiness” and goes on to say, “it awakens creative forces within the perfect self.”



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