Origin: Atacama region, Chile, Australia
Mineral Species: Atacamite
Mineral Group: Halides
Chemical Formula: Cu2Cl(OH)3
Hardness: 3-3.5
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Colour: Bright green, dark emerald-green to blackish green
Typical Appearance: Slender prismatic crystals, often radiating.
Birthstone: No known astrological sign
Chakra Alignment: Heart and Upper Heart
Element: Water
Origin of Name & Mythology: Named after the type locality, in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.
Atacamite is similar in chemical composition to malachite, and shares many of its characteristics. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, drawing off heat and relieving pain, especially in the case of joint pain from osteoarthritis, muscle strain, and period and labour pains, and even tends to work a little more quickly than malachite. Atacamite generally calms and releases fear, balances emotions, hormones, and the endocrine system, and can also be used to quiet an overactive Third Eye. It aligns with the Kidney Meridian in Chinese Medicine, and supports and balances kidney function and fluid homeostasis, and can be helpful in treating oedema.