Origin: Notably Brazil
Mineral Species: Rutile
Mineral Group: Oxides
Chemical Formula: TiO2
Hardness: 6-6.5
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Colour: Golden yellow
Typical Appearance: Bladed or prismatic crystals, often radiating.
Birthstone: Gemini and Taurus
Chakra Alignment: Solar Plexus; All, especially Third Eye and Crown
Element: None
Origin of Name & Mythology: The name rutile was first introduced by the German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1800 (cfr. Lampadius 1800 and Ludwig 1803). The name is from the Latin rutilus, meaning "reddish." The mineral was already known under other names, such as "red schorl" and some other names, some of them later recognized as synonyms or varieties.
Rutile is titanium ore. It is calming, and bestows a sense of inner strength, and courage. Gold rutile, in particular, gives a feeling of fulfillment, as if we need nothing more in our lives to be happy. It works as an anti-depressant, partly through the affect of the colour on the Solar Plexus, but also because it helps us to become aware of our own strength, and therefore feel more in control of our lives. Being "out of control" can be a prime factor in depression.
Rutile aligns primarily with the Solar Plexus, but also connects with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, making it ideal for tuning in to the higher realms, and as an aid in meditation.