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Please Note: This product is a one-off piece. The picture shows the exact product you will receive.

Help further your spiritual development with the help of this stunning  Super Seven Pendant

Said to be used for healing on every level from earth to body, super seven is a dazzling blend of seven different minerals; Amethyst, Coacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz.

Unique in its powers and minerals inside, this lovely, lightweight gemstone has been encapsulated in stunning sterling silver to bring out its deep rich colours for a bolder effect.

Product Code:
Birth Signs:
Aquarius January 20th - February 18th
Capricorn December 21st - January 19th
Pisces February 19th - March 20th
Virgo August 22nd - September 22nd
Crown (Sahasrara or Seventh Chakra)
Heart (Anahata or Fourth Chakra)
Navel (Swadisthana or Second Chakra)
Root (Muladhar or Base Chakra)
Solar Plexus (Manipura, Third Chakra)
Third Eye (Brow, Ajna or Sixth Chakra)
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Purple (More Purple Products)
Stone Types:
Super Seven