
Product Code: XTN1

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A lustrous crystal of Tunellite from the famous deposit near Kramer Junction, California, U.S.A.

Mineral Species - Tunellite
Crystal System - Monoclinic
Birthstone - Libra
Chakra Alignment - Crown and Heart

Crystal Attributes:

  • Fills the body with a clear, purifying, sparkling white light, bringing about a shift of consciousness.
  • Helps us to rise to higher frequencies while remaining firmly in the physical body.
  • Brings us “clear vision” and the ability to see things as they truly are.
  • Increases flow of energy through the body, supports the thyroid and fights infection.

This crystal comes with a handy reference card describing all key mineral properties and crystal healing attributes. For more information visit our Tunellite Information Page.

Learn more about Crystal Healing.

Product Code:
Birth Signs:
Libra September 23rd - October 22nd
Crown (Sahasrara or Seventh Chakra)
Heart (Anahata or Fourth Chakra)
Stone Types: