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Turquoise Howlite Agogo Donut Necklace With Velvet Pouch.

Natural howlite helps to bring new ideas into focus and is associated with purity. It is also purported to aid in past-life journeys. Turquoise howlite is known to enhance communication and strengthen self-protection and self-healing.

Scorpio birthstone Turquoise Howlite. October 23rd - November 21st.
Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a complex, analytical, patient, keenly perceptive, inquisitive, focused, determined, hypnotic, and self-contained character

Strung on black waxed-cotton cord with a sliding knot mechanism means this can be adjusted to your desired length.
Approximate sizing: Pendant - 25mm. Cord - Minimum length 40cm, Maximum length 78cm.

Product Code:
Diameter: 2.5cm (1.0")
Birth Signs:
Gemini May 21st - June 20th
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Blue (More Blue Products)
Turquoise (More Turquoise Products)
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