April 21st - May 20th
The second sign of the Zodiac and is under the tropical Zodiac and is associated with loyalty and material pleasure.
The second sign of the Zodiac and is associated with material pleasure. Its polar opposite is Scorpio. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a calm, patient, reliable, loyal, affectionate, sensuous, ambitious, and determined character, but one which is also prone to hedonism, laziness, inflexibility, jealousy and antipathy.
Main stone: Emerald
Other stones: Amber - Baltic, Amblygonite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Diamond, Emerald, Erythrite, Iolite, Jade, Kunzite, Kyanite, Peridot, Opal - Boulder, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Rutile, Scapolite, Selenite, Topaz, Tiger's Eye, Tourmaline - Blue, Xenotime, Zincite