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Colombianite is a lavender grey pseudo tektite (obsidian) estimated to be around 30 million years old. It is mainly found in the region of the Orinoco river, Colombia.

Natives call it "Piedra Rayo," which means "Lightning Stone" It connects with the sacred and Divine origin.

Colombianite is an extremely high vibration Pseudo Tektite that opens the spiritual heart and awakens a higher calling. It clears negative energy and emotional baggage.

Product Code:
XXXX - TV648
Birth Signs:
Aries March 21st - April 20th
Leo July 21st - August 21st
Taurus April 21st - May 20th
Crown (Sahasrara or Seventh Chakra)
Third Eye (Brow, Ajna or Sixth Chakra)
Black (More Black Products)
Grey (More Grey Products)
Stone Types: