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Please Note: This product is a one-off piece. The picture shows the exact product you will receive.

Described as a crystal of our time, this Venus Fluorite specimen has been sourced from a historic mining location in the USA. A truly wonderful calming stone, Venus Fluorite helps relax both the muscles and the mind, freeing us from the anxiety and stresses of modern life.

Specimen Rating : Intermediate Crystal Healer Specimen

With continued exposure to daylight, these crystals may lose their natural beautiful colour. Therefore, we provide a pouch to keep them dark and safe when not in use.

The specimen has been photographed with transmitted light to show the beautiful internal colouration. 

Mineral Species - Fluorite
Crystal System - Cubic
Birthstone - Pisces and Capricorn
Chakra Alignment - Throat

Crystal Attributes:

  • Promotes inner expansion and assists deep meditation.
  • Profoundly relaxing and calming.
  • Clears and opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, and creates a strong connection with the Crown Chakra.
  • Clears old fear and anger from the Solar Plexus.
  • Facilitates communication on all levels, especially with our guides.
  • Helps us to access our own truth and wisdom, as well as the wisdom carried within the crystal itself.

Further information available on our Venus Fluorite Information Page.

Product Code:
Birth Signs:
Capricorn December 21st - January 19th
Pisces February 19th - March 20th
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Stone Types:
Fluorite - Venus