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Please Note: This product is a one-off piece. The picture shows the exact product you will receive.

A selection of beautiful stones brought together to create a stunning pendant.

Quartz is perhaps the most powerful and important general healing crystal. Aids mental clarity and focus, helps decision making and stimulates growth. Peridot is particularly good for filtering organs, especially liver and kidneys. Can be used to treat skin complaints, Labradorite is known as 'Old Warriors' Stone, and is believed to give even old souls new energy and restore your passion for life. It is also said to protect and cushion the aura, perfect for spiritual healing and development. Citrine is warming, comforting and energising. Also mood lifting, and can therefore be used in the treatment of depression.

This pendant comes with a pouch.

Product Code:
Height: 6.4cm (2.5")
Birth Signs:
Aquarius January 20th - February 18th
Capricorn December 21st - January 19th
Gemini May 21st - June 20th
Leo July 21st - August 21st
Sagittarius November 23rd - December 20th
Scorpio October 23rd - November 22nd
Virgo August 22nd - September 22nd
Crown (Sahasrara or Seventh Chakra)
Heart (Anahata or Fourth Chakra)
Navel (Swadisthana or Second Chakra)
Root (Muladhar or Base Chakra)
Solar Plexus (Manipura, Third Chakra)
Third Eye (Brow, Ajna or Sixth Chakra)
Throat (Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra)
Blue (More Blue Products)
Green (More Green Products)
Quartz (More Quartz Products)
Yellow (More Yellow Products)
Stone Types:
Citrine Labradorite Peridot Quartz